Section 7 BNS – Section 7 of New Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita

Section 7 BNS or Section 7 of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita talks about ““Sentence may be (in certain cases of imprisonment) wholly or partly rigorous or simple”

Section 7 of BNS is part of CHAPTER II OF PUNISHMENTS in Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 Act

Definition of Section 7 BNS

In every case in which an offender is punishable with imprisonment which may be of either description, it shall be competent to the Court which sentences such offender to direct in the sentence that such imprisonment shall be wholly rigorous, or that such imprisonment shall be wholly simple, or that any part of such imprisonment shall be rigorous and the rest simple.

Other Section of BNS

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